Katerina Svozilkova
Family Law Lawyer
Hughes & Cooper LLP
Katerina is a family law lawyer with Hughes & Cooper LLP in Hamilton, Ontario. Katerina practices in all areas of family law including complex litigation and negotiations. Katerina has become highly skilled in issues relating to International Child Abduction and has successfully litigated these issues at the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Appeal. Katerina studied law at the University of Toronto and was called to the Bar in 2015. Katerina is also trained in collaborative family law practice and has completed mediation training. Katerina is on the panel of volunteer family lawyers for Luke’s Place and the Pro-Bone-o Pet Clinic. In 2016, Katerina co-authored an article on pet trusts published in the Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal for which the authors received the Wolfe Goodman Award.